In the heart of Provence, where fertile lands once teemed with fragrant blooms, there lies a forgotten field known as the Champs Délaissée. Here, amidst the whispers of jasmine and the lingering scent of almond and orange blossoms, a "vintage" perfume of rare beauty was born. Named in homage to the abandoned fields of yesteryear, "Champs Délaissée" captures the essence of a bygone era, a time when perfumes were crafted purely from nature's treasures before the rise of their synthetic replicas.
At 23% concentration, this extrait de parfum is a testament to the opulence and depth of vintage perfumes, drawing from an array of ethically sourced materials. From the haunting allure of oud and civet accord to the delicate dance of immortelle, costus, jasmine, and hay, each note in "Champs Délaissée" tells a story of rediscovery and resurgence. Rare ingredients like boxtree, flouve, and beeswax lend a complexity that modern blends often lack, evoking memories of a time when perfumers celebrated the richness of natural aromatics with reverence and skill.
As the world rediscovers the allure of vintage natural perfumery, "Champs Délaissée" embodies the intensity, emotionality, and unbridled sex appeal that only botanicals can offer. Step into the past but embrace the present and indulge in the timeless elegance of "Champs Délaissée" — a fragrance that deeply honors tradition while also embracing the future of perfumery.
Top Notes: Almond, Yuzu, Beeswax, Blood Orange, Boxtree
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