Unspoken Musk by Francesca Bianchi at Indigo Perfumery
Sexy, gentle yet intense, flirty
Francesca describes:
"My own personal musk... the fruit of my fantasy: despite being undoubtedly inspired by the natural musk, it is enriched by the stratification of memories and readings on this mythical ingredient, which has inebriated human beings for centuries.
It's not a fresh-laundry one, but rich of experience and intensity of emotions cultivated within.
Unspoken Musk is definitely a symbolic perfume, which conveys the values that I obsessively seek in every perfume: humanity, intimacy from one side, passion and intensity from the other. The perfume is a gentle, dirty yet sweet concoction that will offer comfort to your mind, and embrace you in the most intimate of hugs."
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